DJ MC Spot
1995 Martin Oelz aka MC Spot founded together with MC Mars the Performance Company Living F/X and started his career as House and Techno MC. Living F/X became a fix part of the austrian partyscene and in the meanwhile the company is well known for the legend appearances at the Gazometer and Biosphere Raves in Vienna. Also as a MC he is well reputed by his large gigs at partys and in clubs inland and abroad. He published among others as a member of Living F/X three Albums, as MC Spot his own Compilation (“Voice & Beats”) on XXX Records and a EP together with Oliver Moldan on Superstar Recordings. He was also a fix part of the Casanova Line party series in Vienna, was responsible for its musical content and became 2004 the offical MC of the project vienna-calling ( In August 2005, he performed the first time as a part of the ‘Marco Bailey – live set team’ at one of the biggest open air festivals in germany, at the ‘nature one’ and in 2006 on the biggest open air festival in Europe at the MTV Stage at the Donauinselfest with Bob Sinclair and Sarah Main. In 2007 he restarted the Casanova Line Party Series ( and he appeared again on the MTV Stage in Vienna at the Donauinselfest with the national house heroes Tom Snow, Claudio Ricci & Met d'phunk, Observer and the international acts: Moguai and Sarah Main. In August '07 he performed with Chris Liebing @ the spin club/space/ibiza.